Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Freeze frame!

(Hat tip to my favorite song when I was two. Not entirely appropriate, because the poor crew was actually framing in ninety-plus degree heat... but I am running out of snappy titles including the word "frame.")

Lots more progress to report today! This was the view when we walked up to the house:

Cinderblocks! Yes I may have jumped up and down and squealed a little bit. The foundation guys were here all day working on our future garage. Here is another view of the pile o' future car home:

The following pictures are a series where I panned around the whole scene from my left to my right. Please take special note of the last picture. I asked Brandon to smile and pretend he was modeling the new wall a la Vanna White. This is what he did. I am not sure he's ever seen Wheel of Fortune (or at least I never remember this side of Vanna...).

Once we made it inside, we were excited to see lots more framing in place. Unfortunately, it is really hard to take pictures of framing and have it make sense at all! Suffice to say, they'd started putting the new stairs in place, along with framing for both bathrooms!

You couldn't really get all the way up the steps, since the part above the landing actually goes outside the current exterior wall (it is where we're adding a new room upstairs above the formerly flat-roofed first floor addition). However, I got this shot from below before we climbed a ladder to check it out up close:

The door to the right in the picture above will go to our bedroom, while straight ahead (middle part of the picture) will be the laundry nook, behind which will be the upstairs bathroom. I AM SO EXCITED TO HAVE LAUNDRY UPSTAIRS, you guys. No more hauling clothes down a rickety staircase into a creepy basement!! Life is good.

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